For the zillionth time, please stop pretending violent "men" have supernatural (1 + 1) brain sides. POTUS, for instance, is a list of mathematically and scientifically illiterate war criminals: ((1 + 1) pi (√-1)Pi ≠ -1) 👈 🧠 #left 🧠 🚦
Review: according to all journalists and scientists driving cars on planet Earth, you now have as many physical parents as you have physical body sides: (1 + 1 ≠ -1). Maybe you're rich and wish feminists wouldn't interrupt your supreme-beingness. Fortunately, the English words "journalism" and "science" constantly prove Universal Basic Intelligence: "the speed of light as darkness is neither illiterate nor evil": ((1 + 1) pi (√-1)Pi ≠ -1) 👈 🧠 #left 🧠 🚦...
Review: if you can copy/paste words, "stop now" Will have been "more than zero words": ((1 + 1) pi (√-1)Pi ≠ -1 Now): ✌️=
Review: you're the +1 boss of your own center of "gravity"; that's all: one first law of all thermodynamic thermometers:
((1 + 1) pi (√-1)Pi ≠ -1 Now):
✌️+✌️= 🔢 > ... > 🌡👈